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About me

-I believe that I am a very social person with a dynamic personality, trying always to find solution for every situation. I love people, animals and environment. I am a person who needs to learn every single day in order to enhance my development and maturity. I love to give my support among all vulnerable creature. This brings me happiness and satisfaction.

-The nature also has a very impact on me and try always to protect it.

-My strong points are my interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences which give me a lot of alternatives and facilities to collaborate with different people characters. I feel very confident with all people and vice versa. I am a very responsible person, trying always to be precis, mature, punctuate and honest.

-My weakness is that I am a very sensitive person, ready to cry for everyone or everything and this fact sometimes makes me feel embarrassment.

-I strongly believe that I am a strong woman, ready to fight for every cause especially in human rights and environment issues.

-The main reason of choosing to work in your environment is, enriching my additional training and practice and also implement them in caring, supporting and educating vulnerable people.

-During my second year of Bachelor degree in “Psychology-Sociology” program near University “Aleksander Moisiu” Durres (Albania), I had the opportunity to be part of “Ivina” staff, a private kindergarten where I was part of the teacher’s assistants. For a period of fifteen months, I tried to understand the basic concern to more than thirty children. Expertise in caring for these children was a huge advantage which helped me to put my skilled set to work in order to understand difficult situations among children.

-Other experience which motivated me are related to my work experience as a volunteer in different events in organization field, which allow me to see closely how the people cooperate with each other and link their believes and desires to give from their ego more benefits and love without expecting any form of compensation.

-I personally experienced this opportunity for a period of six months in 11th International Marathon “Alexander the Great” which took place in Thessaloniki on 2016 followed by other Marathons on 2017. These training concentrate my objective in social area more and more. Working in team, collaborating with different people’s characters, improved my ability to undergo and donate me upbringing and maturity.

-Further experiences here in Greece I had with the team of the social educator assistants at Avaly Centre. My responsibilities were to provide home childcare during the working day. The goal was to develop and implement childcare programs that promote the cognitive, emotional, social and physical development of children which presenting behavioral problems such as autism spectrum disorder, hyperactivity and delay in development.

-My experience in these different participation has in many ways transformed my understanding of the world. In this period of time, I have dismantled old convictions, and like a baby child, still develop new prospective.

-The latest experience is my engagement in ‘’9o Δημοτικό Άλιμο “Elementary school in Athens Greece, part of Parental Association as a Treasurer (executive board member).

I work with parents and the institution to organize and facilitate events both during and after school hours that serve to enrich children’s educational experiences.

I am also responsible for staying updated and informed on what is going on at our school, and can more effectively suggest change at our school.

I have a mixed agenda, from tracing and recordings all financial transactions, membership dues, donations, receipts, disbursement, prepares and presents budget/treasurers report for each PTA meeting, researches and applies for grants and donations. Works with local businesses to obtain donations for events/activities. I help execute activities as needed, work with board to choose different events (bazaar, parent training, traditional exhibitions, healthy food parent training and so forth). I am also responsible for two elementary classes B1 and B2.

-For this reason, I believe that I have enough experiences and maturity to be part of your staff and give my best.

I still be in your disposal for every additional information or prove that you might need!

Yours Sincerely

Ervelina Lica Kociu